Mother and Daughter

This picture was taken as I held my new daughter for the first time. Notice how I am in the picture but not quite completely? This is how I felt when I returned home and waited 4 more months to bring her home!

This is my favorite photo, also taken at the Quality Inn in Guatemala City, during my first visit with Dasha. Doesn't she look wise? I think she just knew that I was coming and was her "Mama"

This is the first picture of Dasha at home in Michigan, when she was eight months old. Doesn't she look happy to be here?

Always a bit of a "tomboy", Dasha is happiest in her denim with her shoes off! Here she is at age one, barefoot and happy.

No longer a "baby", her "spirited nature" is evident at age two, and even more at three!

At about age 2 1/2, Dasha had a favorite spot in the living room,where she would relax in her favorite patch of sunshine.

We added to our family in 1998 when we brought home soon became obvious that my spirited daughter now had an equally spirited "best friend"

The family farm visit, an annual daycare trip, is always enjoyed by Dasha, a true lover of animals. Here she is holding a newborn baby bunny.

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